Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mercy Notes, Questions, Definitions, etc While Reading

-Raziela Nolan, Razi, New Orleans, 1920s (dies July 10, 1929)
-Andrew O'Connell
-Twolly Etoile Luna Knight- Star Moon (her youngest sis-Amy's grandma-Soliel "Sunny")
-Lionel, Nel

did not start this until page 88- Andrew has just met Razi's family.
Notes so far(but I'm adding all the time as I read and go back to the beginning to look things up, this is just mumbo-jumbo stuff):
-It's difficult at times to follow the dialogue (i.e.- who is saying what? is that him or her?)
-It's so NEW and fresh- the idea of the character being "between"
-it gets a little confusing for me- are we NOW or THEN?
-Grams tells Andrew, "Raziela did not anticipate you. Don't forget."
-hyperesthesia- an abnormally acute sense of pain,heat,cold or touch
-Why is Razi so drawn to Amy and Scott? Is it just because of Twolly? Does she know yet?
-Grandma Sunny died 3 months ago & Poppa Fin died shortly after
-What happened to Amy that put her in the hospital?
-They live in Baton Rouge. (I say cain't)
-On the picnic, Razi and Andrew discuss anima the Roman word that the Catholic Church translates as soul. Then, they discuss the heart. But not souls & hearts in the floaty romantic ways. But still
-Chloe (Amy's friend), the clinic, Amy's manic cleaning
-birth control, the Catholic church, history, women's rights
-This part with the "between" Razi in Twolly's kitchen with her... it's so MUCH! OH! Standing there together but not, unable to touch or talk, oh!oh!oh!
-Simon Beeker, Emmaline's grandson. Emmaline is Andrew's housekeeper. Sarah, Benjamin- Simon's children
-garrulous- talkative;wordy
-All Souls' Day
-Noble, the tortured "between" but aren't they all
-Valentine's Day- What sweetness lies in wait each time I bring your lips to
mine, a confection so perfect that its syrup infuses my daydreams
and becomes real when I close my eyes.
-*gasping at Amy's secret* and also I figured... Whoa! I sure know how to pick 'em. timing
-sex scene... grrrrrrr!! "I smolder" cookies, the grass, pessaries... oh goodness. still, the language is heart filling, for me
-So Scott knew Jem? Am I slow or are we just learning this? pg179
-"over educated girls become barren women" ha! is that true for natural intelligence
-reading Amy describe her "nightmare" to Chloe... pg188 ohhh nooo
-"You didn't survive to live this way." chloe says to amy
-How awful to be Amy- to love Scott but not like she did Jem. But never have Jem again. He is dead and so is there child. How awful to be Scott- to love Amy but not be enough simply because. It would almost be better if she were having an affair. He's MAD at her for telling him. She doesn't tell him what is going on for weeks and when she does he walks out. Just an observation...
-Raz pretends to drown, how very sad
-Want to discuss the role of women. How far women have come. Just imagine a time when simply because you were a woman, you could not do, learn, be... As women, what are we still fighting against? What are we fighting to get? pg212 Razi says,"I know I'm going to have to be twice as smart to get half as far."
-Noble's story of belief, his families deaths, his religion, his reasons for "staying" are compelling...
-Such a story of loves, Razi's parents had a great love- for each other and for her. I believe that is partly why she can be so brave and strong in her convictions. Razi and Andrew have their great love. Amy and Jem... I guess.
-Amy shows her Aunt Twolly the nude pics of Razi and she pretends not to know who Andrew is. What is going on? My heart is beating faster...
-Andrew did not attend Yale but Boston University
-Corrine, a name I LOVE!!!
-Amy's "Jem ritual", so haunting
continuing as I read...


Kathryn & John said...

when are we starting?

shoeaddict said...

officially tomorrow at around noon.